
Successful? I'm Working On It

There have been so many times that I've wanted to stop dead in my tracks, drop everything, scream, fall on floor, curl up on floor, and cry like a baby!!!! Family, work, school, volunteer efforts, and life in general seem to kick my ass!!!

A while back, I decided to look online for online help, tips, advice, as well as other things and decided that the best medicine for what I need, (other than a shot of whiskey every hour) was the support and advice from other over extended women like myself.
In this blog I hope to give a little comfort as well as get some comfort.
Monthly I'll be posting links, advice, and (hopefully) helpful tips to all you over worked, unappreciated, over extended women who feel the same way I do.
If you have any tips, suggestions, or even the need to scream, cuss, or vent,
Please feel free
This Blog Is For You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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